dear rate

dear rate
Общая лексика: высокая цена

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "dear rate" в других словарях:

  • dear — [dɪə ǁ dɪr] adjective 1. especially BrE costing a lot of money; = EXPENSIVE: • I could never afford a house around here they re far too dear. 2. FINANCE BANKING if mo …   Financial and business terms

  • Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father — Theatrical release poster Directed by Kurt Kuenne Produc …   Wikipedia

  • Rate — Rate, n. [OF., fr. L. rata (sc. pars), fr. ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Cf. {Reason}.] 1. Established portion or measure; fixed allowance. [1913 Webster] The one right feeble through the evil rate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dear Deidre — is the British newspaper The Sun s long running agony aunt column written by Deidre Sanders. It has been running for over a quarter of a century, since 1980. Each day there are four or five dilemmas sent in anonymously by readers, which are… …   Wikipedia

  • dear — adj., n., adv., & int. adj. 1 a beloved or much esteemed. b as a merely polite or ironic form (my dear man). 2 used as a formula of address, esp. at the beginning of letters (Dear Sir). 3 (often foll. by to) precious; much cherished. 4 (usu. in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dear money — British term for tight money. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * dear money dear money ➔ money * * * dear money UK US noun [U] (also tight money) ► ECONOMICS, FINANCE money that is expensive to borrow, because the rate of interest is high: » …   Financial and business terms

  • dear money — / dɪə ˌmʌni/ noun money which has to be borrowed at a high interest rate, and so restricts expenditure by companies …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • dear money — / dɪə ˌmʌni/ noun money which has to be borrowed at a high interest rate, and so restricts expenditure by companies. Also called tight money …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • association rate — цены для членов ассоциаций cut rate сниженная цена dear rate высокая цена info rate курс для сведения at a high rate по высокой цене preferred rate цены со скидкой …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • government rate — цены для государственных служащих cut rate сниженная цена dear rate высокая цена info rate курс для сведения at a high rate по высокой цене preferred rate цены со скидкой …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • individual rate — цена для индивидуалов cut rate сниженная цена dear rate высокая цена info rate курс для сведения at a high rate по высокой цене preferred rate цены со скидкой …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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